Test Online Free Scrum PAL-EBM Exam Questions and Answers

The questions for PAL-EBM were last updated On Feb.08 2023

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Question No : 1
A stakeholders sends a feedback to the Product Owner about the overall screen flows and navigation issues they have been facing while using the Product. The product owner translates this feedback into a list of enhancements. The scrum team works diligently on releasing the feature but despite an extensive marketing and promotional campaign, none of your customers are interested in using it.
What should the Product owner do? (Choose the best answer)

Customers (i.e. end users) are the most important stakeholders as they will be the ones using the product. A feature is built based on an assumption that it will solve a particular customer problem, so in this case, the assumption was incorrect. Investigating why the original hypothesis was incorrect will help provide a deeper understanding of the problem you are trying to solve.
Let's take a little more time to learn about hypothesis and hypothesis driven development. Hypothesis-driven development is based on a series of experiments to validate or disprove a hypothesis in a complex problem domain where we have unknown-unknowns. We want to find viable ideas or fail fast. Instead of developing a monolithic solution and performing a big-bang release, we iterate through hypotheses, evaluating how features perform and, most importantly, how and if customers use them. Template: We believe {customer/business segment} wants {product/feature/service} because {value proposition}.
Example: We believe that users want to be able to select different themes because it will result in improved user satisfaction. We expect 50% or more users to select a non-default theme and to see a 5% increase in user engagement.
Every experiment must be based on a hypothesis, have a measurable conclusion, and contribute to feature and overall product learning.
For each experiment, consider these steps:

Question No : 2
A company in Germany uses NPS (Net Promoter Score) to understand the customers' satisfaction levels. Every year it sends a customer survey to the clients asking them if they would recommend the product to other. The team had invested a lot of time and effort creating and delivering a product increment that includes many new product features. This year, when the company sends out the survey and the NPS score still does not improve.
What other measures can help the company to better understand this outcome? (Choose the best two answers)

The Organization needs to begin by seeing why is the customer satisfaction not improving. This can be done by looking at the A2I area and Feature usage index is a good measure. Feature Usage Index helps to measure usage, by feature, to help infer the degree to which customers find the product useful and whether actual usage meets expectations on how long users should be taking with a feature.
Now it could also happen that the customers have just not reaped or realized the benefits of the new increment yet. Lead Time is the amount of time from when an idea is proposed, or a hypothesis is formed until a customer can benefit from that idea. This measure may vary based on customer and product. It is a contributing factor to customer satisfaction.
Release Frequency, Market share and installed versions are good measures but not useful in such scenarios.

Question No : 3
You want to know the potential value that your product could, but does not yet, deliver.
Which of the following is the most helpful? (Choose the best answer)

Interviewing users who tried your product but did not buy, is a good way to obtain the potential value or unrealized value. Remember the Unrealized Value is the potential future value that could be realized if the organization met the needs of all potential customers or users. Looking at Unrealized Value helps an organization to maximize the value that it realizes from a product or service over time.

Question No : 4
A product release is successful if it meets all stakeholder requirements.

A product release cannot be considered a success unless it improves the value experienced by its customers/users. It can’t be considered a success even if it meets all stakeholder requirements. There could be situations where all the Stakeholders requirements are met, however the stakeholder still does not have a good experience. Meeting all the requirements is not the same as customer value or customer being satisfied / happy / or having a good experience with the product.

Question No : 5
Typically a strategic goal is big, far away, has many uncertainties along the journey and needs the use empiricism.

As the EBM guide states "A Strategic Goal, which is something important that the organization would like to achieve. This goal is so big and far away, with many uncertainties along the journey that the organization must use empiricism. Because the Strategic Goal is aspirational and the path to it is uncertain, the organization needs a series of practical targets, like Intermediate Goals, achievements of which will indicate that the organization is on the path to its Strategic Goal. The path to the Intermediate Goal is often still somewhat uncertain, but not completely unknown"

Question No : 6
Members of development team in a Scrum project are concerned that a technical problem will cause a serious issue later. One team member points out that if the problem occurs, then they will need to find a different technical approach.
What should the team do next?

This team is concerned about a potential problem, but currently there has not been any actual impact on their project and there won't be an impact if the problem turns out not to exist. This is a good opportunity to perform exploratory work (which some people refer to as spike solutions). That’s a useful way for team to determine if a technical problem can be resolved, or if they need to find a different approach.

Question No : 7
Who is best able to identify ideas that might enable organizations to make progress towards the goals?

Teams closest to the work itself, they are best able to identify ideas that might enable the organization to make progress toward their goals (set by executives / management). This is sometimes referred to as utilizing “bottom-up intelligence”. Framing Ideas into next steps as experiments with expected measures would make it easier to evaluate the experiment’s success when they start gathering data on its effectiveness.

Question No : 8
A product is currently meeting your targets and goals. The board members in the organization are convinced that there is still a large share of potential customers in your product's market. The Sales Director advises you to reduce your product's price in order to attract those customers but the Finance Director argues that this would have a negative impact the product's profits.
What sources of information can help you decide on your product's pricing strategy? (Select three)

The Evidence-Based Management (EBM) approach measures value delivered as evidence of organizational agility, and provides ways to measure and improve the ability to deliver value. This approach enables organizations to make rational, fact-based decisions, elevating conversations from preferences and opinions to empirical evidence, logic, and insight.
The question is asking about factors which will help analyze the unrealized value of the product.
If you look at the chart above, measuring Customer Satisfaction will help you evaluate the product's
Current Value. Measuring market share and unmet needs will help you evaluate the product's
Unreleased Value. Using these data points, will help you make more informed pricing decisions

Question No : 9
A Product Owner is considering to reduce the price of his product to be more competitive.
Which are the following options should be considered when deciding to drop the price? (Choose three).

The Product Owner is "going to" or "considering" which means he is trying to analyze the unrealized value. Measuring Customer Satisfaction helps you evaluate the product's Current Value. Measuring market share and unmet needs (Unmet Customer Needs) helps you evaluate the product's Unreleased Value.

Question No : 10
After twenty years of running a product, the Board of Directors have decided to run the product in maintenance mode and have stopped funding. The firm has started searching for other opportunities in the market.
What could be the reason? (Choose the best answer).

Although revenue is currently high, there are clear signs that the product has passed its maximum maturity (it has been running ten years in the market) and is now declining. There would also be low profits from continuous investment.
For example, a product may have a low Current Value (CV) because it is an early version being used to test the market, but a very high Unrealized Value (UV) might indicate great market potential. Investing in the product that can boost CV is probably warranted, given the potential returns, even though it is not currently producing high CV.

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