Salesforce Certified Integration Architect Exam Questions

  Edina  05-11-2023

If you are preparing for the Salesforce Certified Integration Architect exam, you might be wondering how to get the best study materials and practice questions. PassQuestion offers high-quality Salesforce Certified Integration Architect Exam Questions for candidates who want to pass the exam with confidence. PassQuestion has a team of experts who constantly update and verify the Salesforce Certified Integration Architect Exam Questions based on the latest exam objectives and real exam scenarios. You can also practice in a realistic and interactive environment that will boost your confidence and reduce your anxiety. With PassQuestion, you can get access to the latest and most valid Salesforce Certified Integration Architect Exam Questions that will help you master the knowledge and skills required for the exam. 

About the Salesforce Integration Architect Credential

The Salesforce Integration Architect credential is designed for architects, analysts, and application managers who want to design secure, scalable integrations with the Lightning Platform. The certification exam is designed to determine a candidate's fluency in effectively communicating technical solutions to technical stakeholders and providing a project delivery framework that ensures quality and success.

If you are a Salesforce professional who wants to showcase your skills and knowledge in implementing integration solutions on the Salesforce platform, you might be interested in earning the Integration Architect Certification. A Salesforce Integration Architect assesses the integration requirements necessary to design secure, scalable solutions for integrating the Salesforce Platform. The architect has experience designing and implementing complex integration patterns on various platforms, as well as communicating the solution and design trade-offs to business and technical stakeholders alike.

The Salesforce Certified Integration Architect exam is a 105-minute test comprising 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions. The passing score is 67%. The exam covers six domains: 

- Evaluate the Current System Landscape: 8%
- Evaluate Business Needs: 11%
- Translate Needs to Integration Requirements: 22%
- Design Integration Solutions: 28%
- Build Solution: 23%
- Maintain Integration: 8%

The Best Tips to Pass the Salesforce Certified Integration Architect Exam

If you are a Salesforce professional who wants to advance your career by becoming a certified integration architect, you might be wondering how to prepare for the exam. we will share some of the best tips to help you pass the exam and achieve your certification goal.

Tip 1: Review the exam guide and objectives

The first step to prepare for any Salesforce certification exam is to review the exam guide and objectives. The exam guide provides an overview of the exam format, content, and scoring. The exam objectives outline the specific topics and skills that you need to master for each domain of the exam. 

Tip 2: Complete the recommended Trailhead modules and projects

The next step to prepare for the exam is to complete the recommended Trailhead modules and projects. Trailhead is Salesforce's online learning platform that offers interactive and hands-on learning experiences. The recommended Trailhead modules and projects for the Salesforce Certified Integration Architect exam cover various aspects of integration architecture, such as integration patterns, data management, security, performance, and testing.

Tip 3: Practice with mock exams and questions

The final step to prepare for the exam is to practice with mock exams and questions. Mock exams and questions can help you assess your readiness, identify your knowledge gaps, and familiarize yourself with the exam format and style. There are many online resources that offer mock exams and questions for the Salesforce Certified Integration Architect exam, such as Focus on Force, Udemy, Quizlet, etc. 

View Online Salesforce Certified Integration Architect Free Questions

1. Northern Trail Outfitters has a requirement to encrypt few of widely used standard fields. They also want to be able to use these fields in workflow rules.
Which security solution should an Integration Architect recommend to fulfill the business use case?
A.Cryptography Class
B.Data Masking
C.Classic Encryption
D.Platform Shield Encryption
Answer: D

2. An architect recommended using Apex code to make callouts to an external system to process insurance quote.
What should the integration architect consider to make sure this is the right option for the integration?
A.The maximum callouts in a single Apex transaction
B.The maximum number of parallel Apex callouts in a single continuation.
C.The limit on long-running requests (total execution time).
D.The limit of pending operations in the same transaction.
Answer: D

3. An architect recommended using Apex code to make callouts to an external system to process insurance quote.
What should the integration architect consider to make sure this is the right option for the integration?
A.The maximum callouts in a single Apex transaction.
B.The maximum number of parallel Apex callouts in a single continuation.
C.The limit on long-running requests (total execution time).
D.The limit of pending operations in the same transaction.
Answer: D

4. Northern Trail Outfitters needs to make synchronous callouts "available to promise" services to query product availability and reserve inventory during customer checkout process.
Which two considerations should an integration architect make when building a scalable integration solution? Choose 2 answers
A.The typical and worst-case historical response times.
B.The number batch jobs that can run concurrently.
C.How many concurrent service calls are being placed.
D.The maximum query cursors open per user on the service.
Answer: B, D

5. Which two requirements should the Salesforce Community Cloud support for self-registration and SSO? Choose 2 answers
A.SAML SSO and Registration Handler
B.OpenId Connect Authentication Provider and Registration Handler
C.SAML SSO and just-in-time provisioning
D.OpenId Connect Authentication Provider and just-in-time provisioning
Answer: B, C

6. Northern Trail Outfitters needs to secure an integration with an external Microsoft Azure API Gateway.
What integration security mechanism should be employed?
A.Configure mutual server authentication with two-way SSL using CA issued certificates.
B.Configure a connected app with an authorization endpoint of the API gateway and configure OAuth settings.
C.Use an API only user profile and implement use an external identity provider with federated API access.
D.Implement Salesforce Shield with Encryption at Rest and generate a tenant secret.
Answer: A

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of passing the Salesforce Certified Integration Architect exam and becoming a certified integration architect. 

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