BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer RCDD-002 Training Questions
RCDD-002 BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer - RCDD Exam is a hot BICSI Certification test. PassQuestion can provide you a pertinence training and high quality BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer RCDD-002 Training Questions, which is your best preparation for your first time to attend RCDD certification RCDD-002 exam. PassQuestion BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer RCDD-002 Training Questions are very similar with the real exam, which can ensure you a successful passing the RCDD certification RCDD-002 exam.
BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer - RCDD
BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer - RCDD is the gold standard of all BICSI credentials. Those who achieve the RCDD designation have demonstrated their knowledge in the creation, planning, integration, execution and/or detail-oriented project management of telecommunications and data communications technology.
After earning the Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) credential, you will be recognized as an elite professional, knowledgeable and experienced in leading-edge ICT design principles. We appreciate your professional commitment in demonstrating the highest, global standard by acquiring a RCDD certification.
RCDD-002 Exam Information
Number of Questions: 100
Allotted Examination Time: 2.5 Hours
Format: multiple choice; multiple response and enhanced matching item types.
Cost: $510 - BICSI Member and $725 - Nonmember
RCDD-002 Exam Topics
View Online BICSI Registered Communications Distribution Designer RCDD-002 Free Questions
1.A video camera has a coaxial cable output. The video signal is to be distributed to devices that have balanced twisted pair inputs.
The transition between these two different transmission media can be accomplished by using a:
A. Balun
B. Converter
C. Modulator
D. Cross connect
E. Transceiver
Answer: A
2.Which is an advantage of stranded conductors over solid conductors?
A. Less costly
B. Simpler terminations
C. Better high frequency performance
D. More flexible
Answer: D
3.You must place a cable between 2 equipment locations with separate grounds having a potential difference between them of 2.1 V rms.
Which one of the following cables should NOT be used?
A. Multimode
B. Singlemode
Answer: D
4.You must place CAT6 cable above a factory floor with automated welding machines and hammer forges.
Of the following, what type of shielding would be most effective?
A. Multi-layer braid
B. Foil and braid
C. Solid metallic conduit
D. Flex metallic conduit
E. Sch. 40 PVC conduit
Answer: C
5.Two sinusoidal signals have the same amplitude (A) and the same frequency (f). They differ in phase by 180 degrees.
If these two signals are added together, the result is a sinusoidal signal having an amplitude of:
A. Zero
B. 0.707A and a frequency of f
C. A and a frequency of 2f
D. 2A and a frequency of f
E. 2A and a frequency of 2f
Answer: A
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